We want to wish you a Happy New Year 2016!

We want to inspire you to come and join us on a Sleddog tour in Vindelfjällens Naturereserve by sharing this video that Chris Boyc took just before Christmas.

An amazing feeling to see when Petter and his team crossed the finishline!

 Petter crossed the finishline in Alta as number 7!

  It took Petter and the dogs 6 days, 9 hours and 35 minuets to run 1100KM!!!!

Petter was the best forigen musher this year too.

We all did our best and had a great time!


Petter is now taking his 16 hour mandatory rest. He is enjoying à Good sleep in à cabin and the dogs are resting out on straw with blanketts over them.

Our tjeck friend Radek Havrda is running very we'll in FL-500, we are hoping for à medal.

Preparations for the race

Today we handed in our depobags with dogfood.

    Petter and Emil were out with the dogs for a 30km run.

We also attended the Musher meeting for 3h and the opening ceremony.

Finnmarkslöpet - World championship

We are now in Alta to participate in Finnmarkslöpet, the World Championship in Longdistance Sled dog racing.

The race is very challenging. They will start on on saturday with 14 dogs in the team. And the trail is more than 1000km!

Along the trail there are several checkpoints were the mushers can pick up dogfood from depos and rest their team on straw. There is also cold water provided, which they heat up in cookers to prepair the food for the dogs.

Follow us during the race on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Petter-Karlsson-Sleddogs/

and on www.finnmarkslopet.no

Emil, Petter and Angela

Handler wanted /Kennel hjälp sökes

We  focus on longdistans racing, with Finnmarkslöpet  1000 as the main goal, besides we also run tours for tourist.
We are looking for a motivated person who would like to be a part of our team for one season or more.

We live in Slussfors, Sweden at the border of Vindelfjällens nature reserv, here we have a long snow season (at least 6 months) with endles traing opportuneties in fantastic nature.

The main jobb task will be to train the dogs and daily care for the dogs. The workingdays will be long but with fresh air and beautiful nature and nice dogs to work with. 
Workingperiod: from now untill August 2016. We provide acomodation and a payment that is enough for food and other nessesary things.

If you are interested, send us an email. info@petterkalsson.com

Kind regards
Petter Karlsson

Femundlöpet 2015 is now cancelled.

Due to the extreme weatherconditions the racecomitty has decided to stop the race.

There has been search paryts out looking for 4 junior musher and they have all been found in good condition. As well as the snowmobile driver that was stuck while he was trying to make a trail. He is also found and taken indoors.

All the mushers are told to return to Röros where they will have a meeting at 12:00.

They are on hold

All the mushers running F400 are put on hold 4 more hours on Tufsingdalen. Normally they have a mandatory rest of 4 hours there, plus the time equalization. Now they will all have a 10 hours rest plus the time equalization.

Petter has stopped together with several other mushers at Tynset, which is half way to Orkelbogen.
The mushers in lead Robert Sörlie and Ralph Johanessen are "camping" together in the storm about 6 km before Orkelbogen.

Johan has made it to Orkelbogen checkpoint with the truck, he had been driving around 30km/h at the most from Sövollen, but was so happy to reach the checkpoint and is now sleeping in the truck :)

Petter is half way to Orkelbogen

According to the GPS Petter is half way to Orkelbogen. The weather is extreme with snowstorm that makes it very hard to see the trail.

The race commity has decided to change the trail from Orkelbogen to Grimsbu becouse the trailmarkers have blown away and it's not possible to go there with the snowmobile.

Emil is at Tufsingdalen

Emil has reached Tusfingdalen, the trail has been hard to see but the dogs have done a great job.
The Racecommity has decided that everyone in F400 has to stay 2 extra hours added to their resting time on Tufsingdalen.

Emil Ekfeldt is now out on the trail

Emil Ekfeldt has now started out on Femundlöpet 400 even though the storm "Ole" is blowing so at sometimes he can not see the leaddogs.

They all cary the following mandatory equipment. It is required that the equipment be functional when approved so that the participant is able to survive extreme situations regardless of the weather conditions.

  • Relevant maps
  • Magnetic compass
  • Veterinary handbook.
  • Water boiler with a container sufficient to heat a minimum of 0,5 litres of water per dog.
  • 0,5 liters of red spirit or similar for heating water.
  • Snow spade.
  • Axe or large knife (at least 20cm blade)
  • Sleeping bag for extreme conditions. The bag shall weigh at least 2,5 kg or provide sufficient shelter and heat for at least –30 C.
  •  Lined extreme wind bag (for example Helsport X-trem or Jerved Thermo bivouac bags or of similar quality). Minimum weight shall be at least 1.2kg. An unlined bivouac bag is not accepted! An alternative to an extreme wind bag may be a tent that can withstand a storm in the mountains.
  • Extra clothes including both inner and outer garments, socks and shoes or other footwear.
  • First aid kit containing at least: pain killers, plasters, a roll of sport’s tape, gauze and bandage (or a pressure bandage instead) as well as medication to cure both human and dog diarrhoea.
  • Headlight and batteries.
  • Light stick or rescue light. Must be carried on the body.
  • Matches packed in plastic or a similar watertight container. Must be carried on the body.
  • 8 booties per dog out from each checkpoint, including booties that are in use at that point.
  • Emergency supplies of dog food, 500g per dog in the team at the start. The emergency supplies shall be packed separately and sealed by the organizer.
  • The musher shall have food supplies for him/herself, minimum weight 500g.

In addition to this they also cary food /snacks for the dogs and the musher that they plan to feed during the run.

Petter is now in Sövollen

Petter made a good run, he whent throught the checkpoint at Drevsjö and continued to Sövollen.
He will now take a 8 hour rest on Sövollen.

At the start the weather was beautiful, -the calm before the storm. Now the wind is pickning up and they are expecting very strong winds. A snow storm with up to 21 meters/second.

Report from Petter on the trail

Petter is really enjoying himself! He said the weather is beautiful, great trail conditions and the dogs are running in an even pase. He's so glad to be on the trail, heading for Tufsingdalen.

Our hero handler Johan Blomberg

We are so thankful for all the help from our handler Johan Blomberg! He has a very important jobb during the race. He will deliver the depobags filled with dog food, dog booties, fuel for the burner, etc to the different checkpoints.
Angela should of been there to help him, but unfortunally she got problems with her back the day before departure :(

Follow Petter on the GPS tracking all along the race


Petter just before the start

See the start over the web

Petter will start out at 12:10!


Femundlöpet 2015

Nu har den officiella öppningsceremonin för Femundlöpet 2015 ägt rum.

Starten går i morgon kl 12:00 och Petter har startnummer 9. Det är 47 deltagare i F600 dvs de som kommer att köra 600km med 12 hundar i spannet!

När Petter räknade upp hundarna över telefon.....

Gaga, Kokos, Demon, Pfeffi, Phoenix, Roy  Lemmy, Ginseng, Senja, Novel, Bruto och Sigge
... konstaterade han att "det här är faktiskt ett riktigt bra spann!"  :-)

Emil Ekfeldt kör unghundarna Jackpott, Riga, Ghost, Solo, Bellman, Ariel, Blake och en lite mer rutinerad Spjut i spann i F400. Han har start nummer 197 och startar på lördag. 

Följ tävlingen dygnet runt på www.femundlopet.no samt på facebook.

Now the opening ceremony of Femundlöpet 2015 is over.

The start is tomorrow at 12:00 am and Petter has bib number 9. It is 47 contestants in F600. They will run 600km with 12 dogs in the team!

When Petter told me the names of the dogs in the team over the phone....
Gaga, Kokos, Demon, Pfeffi, Phoenix, Roy  Lemmy, Ginseng, Senja, Novel, Bruto och Sigge
.... his comment was that "this is a very good team!" :-)

Emil Ekfeldt will run the young dogs Jackpott, Riga, Ghost, Solo, Bellman, Ariel, Blake and Spjut in his team in F400. He has bib number 197and will start on Saturday.

Follow the race on www.femundlopet.no

Femundlöpet is coming up soon.....

Petter and Emil are both busy prepairing for the longdistancs race Femundlöpet.
The start will be on February 6.

Read more about and follow the race on www.femundlopet.no/