Finish at Åre
Petter had a 25 minuets lead out from Ånn. But 15 km before the finishline, Petter could not find the trail. While he was out on the wrong trail and serching for the right trail he lost his 25 minuet lead and Juho Ylipiessa passed him and was 6 minuets before him to the finish line in Åre. Petter is happy about the Gold medal in the Swedish Championship, but he would of liked to have both titels.Winner of Amundsen Race 2011 is Juho Ylipiessa (in the middel ), 2:nd Petter Karlsson (left) and 3:rd Michael Jeckel (right).
Winner of the Swedish Championship in Longdistans is Petter Karlsson (middel), Silver medel, Michael Jeckel (left) and Bronz to Claes Arvidsson (right).