Vi var ute på en fantastisk tvådagars tur! När vi gav oss iväg hemifrån så visade termometern -39, men solen sken och vi fick se en otrolig "regnbåge" som reflekterade sig i snökristallerna.
We were out for a fantastic two day tour. When we left the kennel in Slussfors the themomiter was down on -39 C, but the sun was shining and we saw an amazing "rainbow", the snow was reflecting in the snowcristals.
We were out for a fantastic two day tour. When we left the kennel in Slussfors the themomiter was down on -39 C, but the sun was shining and we saw an amazing "rainbow", the snow was reflecting in the snowcristals.
Väl framme i Magasjöstugan visade termometern -24.
When we reached the cabin at Magasjön the tempreture was -24 C.
When we reached the cabin at Magasjön the tempreture was -24 C.